Tees Valley Festivals Volunteering Accessibility Information

1. Welcome

Tees Valley Festivals Volunteering welcome people who are Deaf, disabled, blind, partially-sighted, neurodivergent or living with a long-term health condition. We want to make volunteering with us open to as many people as possible. We are happy to receive any comments or feedback that will improve our accessibility.

2. Accessible Roles

Occasionally some festival roles state that certain abilities such as good mobility or communication skills are required, but there will always be alternative roles that can accommodate people who have specific access requirements.

3. Communication

When you apply to volunteer you will be invited to have an informal telephone chat with our volunteer manager, Lindsay. She will be happy to discuss any access requirements or any concerns you may have. We can arrange for this to be a video call if you would prefer.

4. Adjustments

We can provide you with a chair and adjustments to your shift or break times.

5. Information

We can provide you with information in alternative formats, such as large print or easy-read.

6. Financial Support

We can provide you with financial support for expenses (travel and food). These can be paid up-front by agreement.

7. Personal Assistants

We are unable to provide you with personal assistants (PAs), but we welcome your PAs at all our festivals and workshops.

8. Assistance Dogs

Disability Assistance Dogs are welcome at all our festivals.